2016 Annual Report - page 51

Local community relations
The community outreach program was
aimed at disclosing the company’s
efforts to reach energy efficiency and
improve fuel quality, to ultimately
incorporate environmentally friendly
fuels. Accordingly, several public events
were organized, such as the Know your
User Rights fairs, promoted by the
Public Services Regulatory Authority
(ARESEP), and the Democracy Fairs
organized by the Legislative Assembly.
A total of 20 information stands for
answering consumer inquiries were
installed in various locations across the
country, including Santa Cruz, Pérez
Zeledón, Ciudad Colón, Grecia, San
Rafael de Heredia and Ciudad Quesada,
as well as Parque Vargas in Limón.
In celebration of Environment Month,
RECOPE participated in activities such
as the Environment Fair held in the
Antigua Aduana, the Environment Fair
for Mother Earth held in the marine
park in Puntarenas, and One Day for my
Green Limón, a recreational walk held
each year in the province of Limón.
Furthermore, approximately 12 visits
were paid to communities near RECOPE
with the goal of engaging in conversation.
Constant and proactive communication
is held with these communities in order
to introduce them to the prevention
and emergency response plans and
encourage them to notify about potential
harm to the company’s facilities caused
by third parties.
Through the Guardians of Saving
program visits were paid to six schools
and high schools to raise awareness on
the efficient and rational use of fuels as
well as the protection of the environment.
Also, lectures on fuel quality, efficient
driving, and car maintenance were given
at 14 companies as per their request.
Mechanics technicians provided tips
on reducing CO
emissions produced
by car engine combustion, as well as
information on the company’s products
and their specifications, efficient driving
practices, and answered any questions
posed by the attendees.
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